GTA 4 (drunk camera fix,infinite loading screen and graphics problem solved !!!!)

by 20:11 1 comments
-GTA 4 Graphics problem

1) First of all create shortcut of LAUNCHGTA IV ON DESKTOP.

2)Check PROPERTIES of gat iv (shortcut).

3)Go to shortcut tab in properties.

4)Write these commands in Target section after putting space.

(don't forget to put space before writting command.)

-width 1024
-height 768
-Percentvidmem 1.0
-Availablevidmem 16.0
-Detailquality 0
-ReflectionQuality 0
-Reflectionresolution 0
-Renderquality 0
-Shadowdensity 0
-ShadowQuality 0
-Shadowresolution 0
-Texturequality 0
-Viewdistance 0
-Waterquality 0
-Waterreflectionquality 0


5)click apply and run game as administrator.

6)OR you can write these command in .txt file and rename that txt file as Commandline.
   put that txt file in directory where game is installed. 

6)Enjoy game!!!!

 -GTA 4 Drunk camera fix and infinite loading screen 

To fix Dunk camera and infinite loading screen you have to download these .zip file.
link of zip file.

extract that zip file and copy and replace to directory where game is installed.
(Problem solved!)

Tejen Dave


I'm a hacker, but I'm the good kind of hackers. And I've never been a criminal.

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