Turbo C++/C Windows 7/8/8.1/9 32+64bit

by 11:03 0 comments

As we all know the Popular Turbo C 3 [C and C++ compiler by Borland] does not run well on 64 bit OS’s like Windows 7,Windows 8 etc,and on 32 bit OS’s they cant work fullscreen, so we have developed the emulated version of the same TurboC compiler within an environment called DosBoX which works on all OS’s Fullscreen
normal DosBoX installations require you to download DosBox separately and then mounting the turboc directory and all which was a headache..with our installer you don’t need to mount/configure anything everything is done automatically!.. Just install and Go! you can start using TurboC as soon as you install this..! Really Simple as 1…2…3…

 Click here To Download Turbo C/C++ 4.0 For Windows 

Tejen Dave


I'm a hacker, but I'm the good kind of hackers. And I've never been a criminal.


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