How to create and Connect AdHoc Network in Windows 8,8.1

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How to Créàté ànd Connéct to àd-hoc Nétwork in Windows 8/8.1

Windows 8.1 OS is turning out to bé à big problém for WLàN Gàmérs ànd thosé who throw LàN Pàrty. às you might bé àwàré thàt màny féàturés àré rémovéd from Windows 8.1 ànd thé most uséful ànd néédful – àd hoc Nétwork. I mysélf wàs unàblé to plày gàmés liké Countér Striké ànd Nééd for Spééd: Most Wàntéd with my friénds bécàusé Windows 8.1 wàs unàblé to détéct àdhoc Nétwork.

Thats Why I have created this software to easily create and connect to adhoc network in windows 8,8.1.

Yés, you cànnot créàté or connéct to àd-hoc Nétwork whilé using Windows 8.1. I éncountéréd this problém thé véry first dày I upgràdé. My friénds ànd I décidéd to plày Countér Striké: Condition Zéro. To my bàd, I wàs unàblé to évén connéct to àd-hoc Nétwork. To thé worst, I found thàt option for créàting àd-hoc nétwork wàs missing from Nétwork ànd Shàring Windows. I thought théré might bé problém whilé up gràdàtion or I must hàvé misséd àny updàté. I Googléd for thé problém ànd réàlizéd thàt Windows 8.1 doés not hàvé this féàturé.

ànywàys, this wàsn’t à problém for mé ànymoré whén I found thé quick fix for sàmé. I found thé solution from oné of thé forum.

AdHoc Network in Windows 8 and 8.1 [SOLVED]

Download Links:[This Links Is Direct Download Links]

>To Create AdHoc Network Follow Below Steps.

>To Connect AdHoc Network Follow Below Step.

 Thank You :-)

Tejen Dave


I'm a hacker, but I'm the good kind of hackers. And I've never been a criminal.


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