Facebook Keyboard Shortcuts

by 09:32 0 comments
Do you ever face the situation in which your mouse stops working suddenly and you still want to use facebook. Don't panic because there is always a way to use facebook with the help of keyboard. so here is something special for you.

For google chrome users:

1. Alt+1 = Home page
2. Alt+2 = Your profile page
3. Alt+3 = Friend requests
4. Alt+4 = Your messages
5. Alt+5 = Notifications
6. Alt+6 = Account page
7. Alt+7 = Privacy
8. Alt+8 = Facebook page
9. Alt+9 = Facebook Terms/Agreement
10. Alt+0 = Facebook help center
11. Alt+/ = Search
12. Alt+m = Compose a new message
13. Alt+? = Cursor in search box

For firefox users:

1. Shift+Alt+1 = Home page
2. Shift+Alt+2 = Your profile page
3. Shift+Alt+3 = Friend requests
4. Shift+Alt+4 = Your messages
5. Shift+Alt+5 = Notifications
6. Shift+Alt+6 = Account page
7. Shift+Alt+7 = Privacy
8. Shift+Alt+8 = Facebook page
9. Shift+Alt+9 = Facebook Terms/Agreement
10. Shift+Alt+0 = Facebook help center
11. Shift+Alt+? = Cursor in search box
12. Shift+Alt+m = Compose a new message

For internet explorer users:

1. Alt+1+Enter = Home page
2. Alt+2+Enter = Your profile page
3. Alt+3+Enter = Friend requests
4. Alt+4+Enter = Your messages
5. Alt+5+Enter = Notifications
6. Alt+6+Enter = Account page
7. Alt+7+Enter = Privacy
8. Alt+8+Enter = Facebook page
9. Alt+9+Enter = Facebook Terms/Agreement
10. Alt+0+Enter = Facebook help center
11. Alt+?+Enter = Cursor in search box
12. Alt+m+Enter = Compose a new message

Tejen Dave


I'm a hacker, but I'm the good kind of hackers. And I've never been a criminal.


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