SQL Injection STEP 1 : All About Dorks In Sql Injection

by 10:34 0 comments
For Beginners
A method of finding websites vulnerable to SQL injection is using what we call "dorks"
Dorks:They are like search criteria in which a search engine returns results related to your dork.
The process can be a little time consuming, but the outcome will be worth it after learning on how to use dorks
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For this tutorial, the search engine we'll be using is Google
Credits to those who are mentioned in this tutorial
Now I'll show you how to use dorks with the help of a video too.
Step1: Finding your dorks i.e. the criteria you'll be using
Dork List compiled by kobez-

Dork List by Sidesipe-

Dork List by .Newsletter'

For this tutorial, we'll be using this dork "inurl:index.php?id="
Step2: Making use of your Dorks with the help of Google

Here's what you do:
Go to http://www.google.com
Type the dork in the search bar "inurl:index.php?id=" (with or without quotes)
Now you'll find a whole lot of links in your results

Here's how you can speed up your process:
In your mouse, there should be a scroll button right?
Hover your mouse on each link and hit the scroll button so that it'll open on a new tab. (Lets say you can open about 10 links at a time)
Step3: Vulnerability approach

Now to see whether the website is vulnerable to SQL injection or not, we simply put in a quote " ' " at the end of the url address.
So our site will look like this

Do the same thing with the websites you opened on your tabs and see if there's any vulnerable website.

To determine if a website is vulnerable or not, it should return an error!

Note: If you can't find any vulnerability after doing some vulnerability search on this dork, you can always browse the dork list I've mentioned above and use any of them until you find any website vulnerable to SQL injection

Here's a video demonstration on how to use Dorks:

Extra Notes: Hunting for specific websites with specific domains
Ever want to hack a government website, or an organization website?
It's simple. All you have to do is improvise your dorks.
First off, here are some common domains
.gov = Government websites
.edu = Educational websites
.org = Organizational websites
.com = Commercial websites
.info = Informative websites
.net = Networking websites ( similar to .com)

Alright now you know some specific domains, lets add them to our dork shall we?
Follow this formula-like dork
"inurl:."domain"/"dorks" "
So you would normally understand it like this:
"inurl" = input URL
"domain" = your desired domain ex. .gov
"dorks" = your dork of your choice
Now for an example, lets say you want to hack government websites
Here's how it'll look
Once you search that up, you'll find a lot of government websites on your results

Changing "inurl" and using another one
Yes, you can change that too.
Google has a lot of functions you can come up with
Some of them are below where you can change "inurl" and make another dork
Credits to Real Steel for bringing this up
Choose any of the and make another.
Example: "intext:.edu/gallery?id="
More information about those here: http://www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=2033496

Some Dork Scanners you can use to help you speed up the process

Scanner by moveax

Scanner by p0iz0ner

Scanner by kript0x

If you're lazy in using dorks to find vulnerable websites, then you can use some list right here:

Vulnerable List by Dyme:

Tejen Dave


I'm a hacker, but I'm the good kind of hackers. And I've never been a criminal.


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