Do Not JailBreak Your iPhone OR ready for Cloud Atlas Malware !!

by 10:13 0 comments
Cloud Atlas is the latest purported example of sophisticated state-sponsored malware, said to intercepting communications and recording phone calls.

The devices have been affected by the malware attack, which exploited vulnerabilities in the Word Rich Text Format (RTF), were regular Windows computers.

Some of the filenames used in the attacks included:

  • FT - Ukraine Russia's new art of war.doc
  • Катастрофа малайзийского лайнера.doc
  • Diplomatic Car for Sale.doc
  • МВКСИ.doc
  • Organigrama Gobierno Rusia.doc
  • Фото.doc
  • Информационное письмо.doc
  • Форма заявки (25-26.09.14).doc
  • Информационное письмо.doc
  • Письмо_Руководителям.doc
  • Прилож.doc
  • Car for sale.doc
  • Af-Pak and Central Asia's security issues.doc

Tejen Dave


I'm a hacker, but I'm the good kind of hackers. And I've never been a criminal.


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